Birchfields Primary School

  1. Our School
  2. Our Core Values
  3. Parents Community Code

Parents Community Code



We treat everyone equally and how we would like to be treated ourselves

We acknowledge and respect different points of views and Parents' feelings




We respect other opinions, religions and beliefs (Parents, Children, Staff)

In assemblies and performances:

· We keep our phones on silent

· We remain seated, we take photos from our seats and we do not put them on

social media (Facebook, Twitter etc.)

· We try to keep our younger children quiet and on our knees and leave the

hall with them if necessary

· We praise all children's achievements




We tell the truth to everyone and support everyone to be honest

We always return school and other children’s property                                                                            

We are prepared to say when we need help and are honest about

our children's abilities




We are always willing to help others, including other parents




We demonstrate a 'can do' attitude and do not give up trying to

achieve something


Good Health


We actively promote healthy food choices and active lifestyles

We exercise by walking to school on a regular basis if possible